電影理論詞彙 // 中英對照
Basic Chinese Cinema Studies & Film Analysis Terms
Basic Chinese Cinema Studies & Film Analysis Terms
post is part 2 of a list of terms which might be used to analyze a film
scene or cultural studies topic. Part 1 can be located at this link here.Additional learning Chinese links include:
1) Learning Chinese: Film Genre Terms
2) Learning Chinese: Film Technique & Production Terms
3) Learning Chinese: Film Personnel Terms
4) Learning Chinese: Describing a Film Scene
5) Learning Chinese: Cultural Studies and Film Studies Terms, Part 1 and Part 2
Cultural Studies and Film Studies Analysis Terms
判定 pàndìng judge, determine
批評 pīpíng criticize
旁白 pángbái aside (remark)
普泛 pǔfàn widespread, universal
評審 píngshěn examine/evaluate
評論 pínglùn review, critique
陪襯 péichèn to enhance by contrast
頗為 pōwéi somewhat
全球化 quánqiúhuà globalization
區別 qūbié distinguish
巧妙 qiǎomiào ingenious
強勢 qiángshì emphasis
強調 qiángdiào stress
情緒 qíngxù emotion
親密 qīnmì intimate
仍舊 réngjiù still, as before
善於 shànyú be good at
實際 shíjì reality, actual
庶民 shùmín the masses
思念 sīniàn long for
手法 shǒufǎ skill, technique
散發 sànfā diffuse, distribute
深刻 shēnkè profound
深度 shēndù depth
生存 shēngcún exist
疏離 shūlí become alienated, drift apart
設定 shèdìng establish
試圖 shìtú attempt
試論 shìlùn deal with
詩學 shīxué poetics
說明 shuōmíng explain
凸顯 tūxiǎn magnify
探討 tàntǎo explore
推測 tuīcè infer, conjecture
提供 tígōng supply
提出見解 tíchū jiànjiě state one’s opinions
特徵 tèzhēng characteristic
特效 tèxiào positive effect
突兀 tūwù towering, unexpected
唯一 wéiyī only, sole
宛若 wǎnruò be just like
文化學 wénhuà xué cultural studies
為例 wéilì as an example
無形 wúxíng invisible, intangible
無法 wúfǎ unable to
無窮 wúqióng infinite
學術 xuéshù academic
宣傳工具 xuānchuán gōngjù means of propaganda
形容 xíngróng describe
形體 xíngtǐ form, structure
心理 xīnlǐ psychology
性質 xìngzhì nature
戲劇性 xìjùxìng dramatic
系統 xìtǒng system, device
象徵 xiàngzhēng symbolize
顯得 xiǎnde look, appear
顯示 xiǎnshì show, display
一貫 yīguàn consistent
仰賴 yǎnglài rely on
優雅 yōuyǎ graceful
元素 yuánsù element
印象 yìnxiàng impression
因果關係 yīn-guǒ guānxi causality
娛樂 yúlè amusement
寓意 yùyì allusion, message
延續 yánxù continue
引發 yǐnfā evoke
愈發 yùfā even more
意味著 yìwèizhe signify
意義 yìyì meaning
意識 yìshi consciousness, mentality
有效 yǒuxiào effective
有系統 yǒu xìtǒng systematic
游離 yóulí dissociated, drifting
藝術 yìshù art, skill
遠向 yuǎnxiàng long time
隱含 yǐnhán imply
隱喻 yǐnyù metaphor
隱約 yǐnyuē indistinct, faint
隱藏 yǐncáng hide, conceal
韻律 yùnlǜ meter, rhythm
預感 yùgǎn premonition
預示 yùshì indicate
主題 zhǔtí theme, motif
仔細 zǐxì careful
專訪 zhuānfǎng report (n.)
指出 zhǐchū point out
指涉 zhǐshè refer to, reference
指示 zhǐshì indicate
政治 zhèngzhì politics
暫時 zànshí temporary
直指 zhízhǐ directed at/aimed towards
直接 zhíjiē direct, immediate
真實 zhēnshí real, authentic
真正 zhēnzhèng genuine, real
秩序 zhìxù order; sequence
自然 zìrán natural
自覺 zìjué conscious
著重 zhuózhòng stress
質疑 zhìyí challenge
重要性 zhòngyàoxìng importance, significance
針對 zhēnduì aimed at
雜亂 záluàn disorderly
判定 pàndìng judge, determine
批評 pīpíng criticize
旁白 pángbái aside (remark)
普泛 pǔfàn widespread, universal
評審 píngshěn examine/evaluate
評論 pínglùn review, critique
陪襯 péichèn to enhance by contrast
頗為 pōwéi somewhat
全球化 quánqiúhuà globalization
區別 qūbié distinguish
巧妙 qiǎomiào ingenious
強勢 qiángshì emphasis
強調 qiángdiào stress
情緒 qíngxù emotion
親密 qīnmì intimate
仍舊 réngjiù still, as before
善於 shànyú be good at
實際 shíjì reality, actual
庶民 shùmín the masses
思念 sīniàn long for
手法 shǒufǎ skill, technique
散發 sànfā diffuse, distribute
深刻 shēnkè profound
深度 shēndù depth
生存 shēngcún exist
疏離 shūlí become alienated, drift apart
設定 shèdìng establish
試圖 shìtú attempt
試論 shìlùn deal with
詩學 shīxué poetics
說明 shuōmíng explain
凸顯 tūxiǎn magnify
探討 tàntǎo explore
推測 tuīcè infer, conjecture
提供 tígōng supply
提出見解 tíchū jiànjiě state one’s opinions
特徵 tèzhēng characteristic
特效 tèxiào positive effect
突兀 tūwù towering, unexpected
唯一 wéiyī only, sole
宛若 wǎnruò be just like
文化學 wénhuà xué cultural studies
為例 wéilì as an example
無形 wúxíng invisible, intangible
無法 wúfǎ unable to
無窮 wúqióng infinite
學術 xuéshù academic
宣傳工具 xuānchuán gōngjù means of propaganda
形容 xíngróng describe
形體 xíngtǐ form, structure
心理 xīnlǐ psychology
性質 xìngzhì nature
戲劇性 xìjùxìng dramatic
系統 xìtǒng system, device
象徵 xiàngzhēng symbolize
顯得 xiǎnde look, appear
顯示 xiǎnshì show, display
一貫 yīguàn consistent
仰賴 yǎnglài rely on
優雅 yōuyǎ graceful
元素 yuánsù element
印象 yìnxiàng impression
因果關係 yīn-guǒ guānxi causality
娛樂 yúlè amusement
寓意 yùyì allusion, message
延續 yánxù continue
引發 yǐnfā evoke
愈發 yùfā even more
意味著 yìwèizhe signify
意義 yìyì meaning
意識 yìshi consciousness, mentality
有效 yǒuxiào effective
有系統 yǒu xìtǒng systematic
游離 yóulí dissociated, drifting
藝術 yìshù art, skill
遠向 yuǎnxiàng long time
隱含 yǐnhán imply
隱喻 yǐnyù metaphor
隱約 yǐnyuē indistinct, faint
隱藏 yǐncáng hide, conceal
韻律 yùnlǜ meter, rhythm
預感 yùgǎn premonition
預示 yùshì indicate
主題 zhǔtí theme, motif
仔細 zǐxì careful
專訪 zhuānfǎng report (n.)
指出 zhǐchū point out
指涉 zhǐshè refer to, reference
指示 zhǐshì indicate
政治 zhèngzhì politics
暫時 zànshí temporary
直指 zhízhǐ directed at/aimed towards
直接 zhíjiē direct, immediate
真實 zhēnshí real, authentic
真正 zhēnzhèng genuine, real
秩序 zhìxù order; sequence
自然 zìrán natural
自覺 zìjué conscious
著重 zhuózhòng stress
質疑 zhìyí challenge
重要性 zhòngyàoxìng importance, significance
針對 zhēnduì aimed at
雜亂 záluàn disorderly
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