電影理論詞彙 // 中英對照
Basic Chinese Cinema Studies & Film Analysis Terms
post is part 1 of a list of terms which might be used to analyze a film
scene or cultural studies topic. Part 2 can be located at this link
Additional learning Chinese links include:
1) Learning Chinese: Film Genre Terms
2) Learning Chinese: Film Technique & Production Terms
3) Learning Chinese: Film Personnel Terms
4) Learning Chinese: Describing a Film Scene
5) Learning Chinese: Cultural Studies and Film Studies Terms, Part 1 and
Part 2
Cultural Studies and Film Studies Analysis Terms
暗示 ànshì suggest
曖昧 àimèi ambiguous, shady
不具 bùjù incomplete, insufficient
不息 bùxī incessantly
不自覺 bù zìjué subconsciously
不變 bùbiàn fixed, constant
保守 bǎoshǒu conservative
保持 bǎochí maintain
保留 bǎoliú retain
捕捉 bǔzhuō seize
本質 běnzhì essence, nature
標榜 biāobǎng flaunt, excessively
表情 biǎoqíng expression
表達 biǎodá convey
邊界 biānjiè boundary; border
邊緣 biānyuán margin, edge, borderline
傳達 chuándá transmit
出現 chūxiàn appear
創造 chuàngzào create
呈現 chéngxiàn appear
層面 céngmiàn layer, surface
差異性 chāyìxìng difference
採用 cǎiyòng use, adopt
揣摩 chuǎimó speculate
次要 cìyao secondary
穿插 chuānchā alternate, insert
超越 chāoyuè exceed, transcend
錯亂 cuòluàn in a state of confusion
動人 dòngrén moving
單 純 dānchún simple, plain
多層次 duōcéngcì multilayered
對比 duìbǐ contrast
得知 dézhī v. know, learn about
調度 diàodù manage, control
顛覆 diānfù subvert
分析 fēnxi analyze
反射 fǎnshè reflect
反應 fǎnyìng respond, reaction
反映 fǎnyìng reflect
彷彿 fǎngfú seem
氛圍 fēnwéi atmosphere
符號 fúhào symbol
複雜 fùzá complex
豐富 fēngfù rich
負面 fùmiàn reverse side
風格 fēnggé style
公式 gōngshì formula
功能 gōngnéng function
感言 gǎnyán impressions
概念 gàiniàn concept
歸納 guīnà sum up, conclude
溝通 gōutōng communicate
觀察 guānchá observe
觀看 guānkàn view
過於 guòyú excessively
關懷 guānhuái concern for
關連 guānlián connected
高度 gāodù high degree, height
含意 hányì meaning, implication
含蓄 hánxù contain
喚起 huànqǐ arouse, recall
回應 huíyìng response
回顧 huígù review, retrospective
宏觀 hóngguān cosmos, macroscopic
忽略 hūlüè neglect, overlook
恆久 héngjiǔ constant, persistent
核心 héxīn nucleus
毫無 háowú completely lack
混亂 hùnluàn chaotic
混沌 hùndùn primal chaos, muddled
基本 jīběn fundamental
境界 jìngjiè boundary, state
建構 jiàngòu construct
接受 jiēshòu accept, receive
接合 jiēhé connect, link
檢視 jiǎnshì inspect
激賞 jīshǎng praise
積累 jīlěi accumulate
節奏 jiézòu rhythm
簡單 jiǎndān simple
精確 jīngquè precise
精華 jīnghuá essence
經歷 jīnglì experience
經濟 jīngjì economy
緊接著 jǐnjiēzhe immediately after
解構 jiěgòu v. analyze, deconstruct
解讀 jiědú decipher
記憶 jìyì remember, memory
解釋 jiěshì expound, interpret
刻意 kèyì meticulous, painstakingly
考古學 kǎogǔxué archeology
跨國 kuàguó transnational
跨文化 kuà wénhuà transcultural
屢屢 lǚlǚ repeatedly
歷史性 lìshǐxìng historic, historicity
理解 lǐjiě understand, comprehend
理論 lǐlùn theory
論述 lùnshù discuss, expound
連結 liánjié join, link
類似 lèisì similar to
描繪 miáohuì depict, describe
描述 miáoshù describe
明確 míngquè clear
模擬 mónǐ imitate, simulate
模糊 móhu vague, blurred
美學 měixué aesthetics
美術 měishù fine arts
馬克斯主義 mǎkèsī zhǔyì Marxism
內涵 nèihán intention, connotation
濃厚 nónghòu strong, pronounced
濃密 nóngmì dense, intense
偶發 ǒufā occasional, spontaneous